Data Science Courses

344 Courses

DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything Join former U.S. chief data scientist DJ Patil as he tackles questions posed by LinkedIn members. Topics range from data security to the future of data science. Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses Machine Learning Courses Neural Networks Courses Data Science Courses Internet of Things Courses Cyber.
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Generative AI for Data Science

Generative AI for Data Science Discover how Generative AI can enhance data accuracy and operational efficiency in data science. This short course is designed for data scientists and AI enthusiasts to unlock the potential of Generative AI in data-driven projects. In just 3 hours, you'll learn to: Explore and leverage Generative AI application.
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Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Simplified Chinese)

Prompt Engineering Foundations (Simplified Chinese) 在本课程中,您将学习设计有效提示的原则、技术和最佳实践。本课程将介绍提示工程的基本知识,然后逐步过渡到高级提示技术。您还将学习如何防止提示误用,以及如何在与基础模型 (FM, Foundation Model) 互动时减少偏差。 课程级别:中级 时长:4 小时 注意:本课程具有本地化的注释/字幕。旁白保留英语。要.
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Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Traditional Chinese)

Prompt工程基礎(繁體中文) 在本課程中,您將學到設計有效提示的原則、技巧和最佳實務。本課程將介紹提示工程設計的基礎知識,並隨著課程進展介紹進階提示技巧。您也會學習如何防範提示濫用,以及如何減輕與 FM 互動時的偏見。 課程等級:中級 持續時間:4 小時 注意:本課程具有本地化的註釋/字幕。旁白保留英語。 要顯示字幕,請按一下播放器右下角的 CC 按鈕.
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Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Korean)

Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Korean) 이 과정에서는 효과적인 프롬프트를 설계하기 위한 원칙, 기법 및 모범 사례에 대해 알아봅니다. 이 과정에서는 프롬프트 엔지니어링의 기본 사항을 소개하고 고급 프롬프트 기법을 계속 살펴봅니다. 프롬프트 사용 오류를 방지하는 방법과 FM과의 상호 작용 시 편향을 완화하는 방법을 알아봅니다. 과정 수준: 중급 소.
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Data Science Foundations: Knowledge Graphs

Data Science Foundations: Knowledge Graphs Enhance your information management skills with our comprehensive course on knowledge graphs. Available on LinkedIn Learning, this course delves into various knowledge graph tools, techniques for networking databases, and methods to construct a robust digital knowledge base. University: Provider: Lin.
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Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Indonesian)

Foundations of Prompt Engineering (Indonesian) Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan mempelajari prinsip, teknik, dan praktik terbaik untuk mendesain prompt yang efektif. Kursus ini memperkenalkan dasar rekayasa prompt dan berlanjut ke teknik prompt lanjutan. Anda juga akan mempelajari cara mencegah penyalahgunaan prompt dan cara mengurangi bias saat berint.
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Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on GC - 한국어

Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on GC - 한국어 이 과정에서는 예측 및 생성형 AI 프로젝트를 모두 빌드하는 Google Cloud 기반 AI 및 머신러닝(ML) 제품군을 소개합니다. AI 기반, 개발, 솔루션을 모두 포함하여 데이터에서 AI로 이어지는 수명 주기 전반에 걸쳐 사용할 수 있는 기술과 제품, 도구를 살펴봅니다. 이 과정의 목표는 흥미로운 학습 경험과 실제적.
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Vision artificielle et exploitation intelligente des ressources naturelles

Vision artificielle et exploitation intelligente des ressources naturelles Bienvenue au cours VIARENA, «Vision artificielle et exploitation intelligente des ressources naturelles». La vision artificielle est l'art et la science de rendre les ordinateurs capables d'interpréter intelligemment des images. Il existe une multitude d'applications de la.
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AI Infrastructure and Operations Fundamentals

AI Infrastructure and Operations Fundamentals Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is transforming society in many ways. From speech recognition to self-driving cars, to the immense possibilities offered by generative AI. AI technology provides enterprises with the compute power, tools, and algorithms their teams need to do t.
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How to train in Data Science and become one from scratch?

A Data Scientist can find a job in any industry, from retail sales to nuclear physics. That is why such a specialist is sometimes called a master of big data. Data Scientist works at the intersection of 3 areas of knowledge: programming, statistics and machine learning.

Learning Paths for Career Advancement

Data Scientist works with company data, analyses it, looks for potential dependencies, draws conclusions on this basis and, if necessary, builds visualisations. To solve such tasks, the specialist uses mathematical algorithms, development tools and special programmes. A Data Scientist understands how to build a forecast and helps to make the right decisions.

This specialist uses Data Science methods to process large amounts of information. He builds and tests models of data behaviour. This is how he finds patterns in them and predicts future values. For example, knowing everything about the demand for a product earlier, Data Scientist helps the company to make a forecast about sales in the near future. All models are built thanks to machine learning algorithms.

Usually Data Scientists become for the following reasons:

To work in Data Science you need find best data science and ai courses for improving programming skills and knowledge of maths beyond the school curriculum.

Course Benefits and Features

Why choose online artificial intelligence and data science courses?

Excellent knowledge of maths, statistics, programming languages, English, as well as creativity, communication and critical thinking: employers are willing to pay more for specialists with this set of skills.

How to Enroll in Data Science and AI Courses?

Let's tell you in detail what steps you need to go through to become a Data Science specialist:

Having sorted out the theory, move on to practice. For example, you can look for an assistant position or an internship in large IT companies!