All current Data Storytelling Courses courses in 2024

33 Courses

AWS Flash - Making Better Decisions with Data for Small Business Owners

Small businesses are collecting more data than ever before, turning it into a valuable asset for gaining insights, optimizing operations, and making informed decisions. Yet, they remain the least informed segment regarding productive data usage. This course aims to bridge that gap by teaching you about the importance of collecting and analyzing.
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Become a Data-Driven Team using Tableau

Transform your team's decision-making process by harnessing the power of data with Tableau. Learn to leverage data management, data governance, data visualization tools, and effective data storytelling techniques to enhance collaboration and achieve better business results. University: Provider: Trailhead Categories: Data Analysis Courses.
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Tableau Certified Data Analyst: Creating Content with Data

Tableau Certified Data Analyst: Creating Content with Data Data-driven decision making is powered by effectively creating content with data. This course will teach you the skills to create engaging charts and dashboards in Tableau, preparing you for the Certified Data Analyst certification. In today’s data-drive.
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Data Visualization with Snowflake

Data Visualization with Snowflake Curious about transitioning from relational database T-SQL to Snowflake SQL? This comprehensive course will equip you with all the skills needed to write efficient Snowflake SQL statements for data visualization in analytical reporting tools. To ensure accurate analytics, Snowflake SQL and aggregation function.
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Analysis and Visualization of Data with Power BI

Analysis and Visualization of Data with Power BI In this course, you will learn report design and formatting in Power BI, which offers extraordinary visuals for building reports and dashboards. Additionally, you will learn how to use report navigation to tell a compelling, data-driven story in Power BI. You will explore how to get a statistical su.
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Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight - Getting Started (Vietnamese)

Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight - Getting Started (Vietnamese) Amazon Q trong QuickSight giới thiệu bộ chức năng trí tuệ doanh nghiệp (BI) mới, kết hợp các mô hình ngôn ngữ lớn (LLM) của Amazon Bedrock với các chức năng của Amazon QuickSight. Trong khóa học này, bạn sẽ tìm hiểu về các khái niệm kỹ thuật và lợi ích khi sử dụng Amazon Q tr.
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Data Analysis, Visualization, and Communication with Copilot

This course will help you to transform complex data into actionable insights and compelling stories using Microsoft Copilot. You'll learn cutting-edge generative AI techniques for data analysis, visualization, and communication, enabling you to uncover hidden patterns, create impactful visuals, and effectively convey your findings to diverse au.
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Visualización y presentación de datos

El MOOC de visualización de datos es un curso diseñado para llevar tus habilidades de visualización de datos al siguiente nivel. La visualización de datos es una parte esencial en la toma de decisiones informadas y una herramienta poderosa para comunicar información de manera clara y efectiva. A lo largo de este curso, aprenderás a utilizar G.
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Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight - Getting Started (Japanese)

*このコースは機械翻訳で対応されています。 Amazon Q in QuickSight では、Amazon Bedrock の大規模言語モデル (LLM) を使用し、それらを Amazon QuickSight の機能と組み合わせることにより、新しいビジネスインテリジェンス (BI) 機能スイートが導入されています。このコースでは、QuickSight で Amazon Q を使用する場合の技術的概念と利点について学びます。Amazon Q.
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Generative BI with Amazon Q in Quicksight - Getting Started (Indonesian)

Generative BI dengan Amazon Q di QuickSight - Panduan Awal (Bahasa Indonesia) Amazon Q di QuickSight memperkenalkan rangkaian kemampuan intelijen bisnis (BI) baru dengan menggunakan model bahasa besar (LLM) dari Amazon Bedrock dan menggabungkannya dengan kemampuan Amazon QuickSight. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan belajar tentang konsep teknis dan m.
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