All current Ethics in AI Courses courses in 2024

26 Courses

IA para docentes: Transforma tu enseñanza con ChatGPT

IA para docentes: Transforma tu enseñanza con ChatGPT La inteligencia artificial (IA) está cambiando rápidamente la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos. Antes se pensaba que era un campo exclusivo para ingenieros o informáticos, pero hoy en día es una parte vital de nuestro mundo y todos debemos tener conocimientos esenciales sobre el ámbi.
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Navigating AI Through an Intersectional DEI Lens

Navigating AI Through an Intersectional DEI Lens | LinkedIn Learning Delve into the complexities and evolving nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by examining it through an intersectional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) perspective. This comprehensive course offered by LinkedIn Learning provides valuable insights and fosters.
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Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias

Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias This course introduces you to the essential concepts of responsible AI and fundamental AI principles. Delve into practical techniques to identify fairness and uncover biases in AI/ML practices. Learn to mitigate these biases effectively. Explore an array of practical methods and tools designed to.
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Get Ready for Generative AI

Get Ready for Generative AI Course Title: Get Ready for Generative AI Description: Dive into the world of generative AI with this insightful course. Learn the fundamental concepts, explore new capabilities, and understand the emerging issues in the field of artificial intelligence. Provider: LinkedIn Learning Catego.
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Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - Українська

Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - Українська Під час цього курсу ви зможете ознайомитися з концепціями відповідального підходу й принципами щодо штучного інтелекту. Ви дізнаєтеся про практичні методи виявлення об’єктивності й упередженості в роботі ШІ та технологій машинного навчання, а також ознайомитеся зі способами мінімізувати.
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Responsible AI for Developers: Interpretability & Transparency - Italiano

Responsible AI for Developers: Interpretability & Transparency - Italiano Questo corso introduce i concetti di interpretabilità e la trasparenza dell'AI. Parla dell'importanza della trasparenza dell'AI per sviluppatori ed engineer. Illustra metodi e strumenti pratici per aiutare a raggiungere interpretabilità e trasparenza sia nei dati che nei.
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