All current Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses courses in 2024

147 Courses

Security, Compliance, and Governance for AI Solutions (Indonesian)

Security, Compliance, and Governance for AI Solutions (Indonesian) Kursus ini membantu Anda memahami beberapa masalah umum seputar keamanan, kepatuhan, dan tata kelola yang terkait dengan solusi kecerdasan buatan (AI). Anda akan belajar cara mengenali persyaratan tata kelola dan kepatuhan untuk sistem AI. Anda juga akan belajar tentang berbagai l.
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Conceitos básicos da solução Amazon Q Business (Português) | Amazon Q Business Getting Started (Portuguese)

Conceitos básicos da solução Amazon Q Business (Português) | Amazon Q Business Getting Started (Portuguese) A solução Amazon Q Business é um assistente com inteligência artificial generativa (IA generativa) que pode responder a perguntas, gerar conteúdo, criar resumos e concluir tarefas, tudo com base nas informações da sua empresa. Neste curso.
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Introdução ao Amazon Q (Português) | Amazon Q Introduction (Portuguese)

Introdução ao Amazon Q (Português) | Amazon Q Introduction (Portuguese) Este curso oferece uma visão geral de alto nível do Amazon Q, um assistente com tecnologia de inteligência artificial (IA) generativa. Aqui, você aprenderá sobre os casos de uso e os benefícios de vincular o Amazon Q às informações, códigos e sistemas da sua emp.
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Introducción a Amazon Q Developer (Español LATAM) | Amazon Q Developer Getting Started (LATAM Spanish)

Amazon Q Developer es un asistente con tecnología de inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa que ayuda a comprender, crear, ampliar y operar las aplicaciones de AWS durante todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software. En este curso introductorio, conocerá los beneficios, las características, los casos prácticos típicos, los conceptos técni.
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Conceitos básicos do Amazon Q Developer (Português) | Amazon Q Developer Getting Started (Portuguese)

Conceitos básicos do Amazon Q Developer (Português) | Amazon Q Developer Getting Started (Portuguese) O Amazon Q Developer é um assistente baseado em inteligência artificial (IA) generativa que ajuda você a entender, criar, estender e operar aplicações da AWS em todo o ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de software. Neste curso introdutório, você ap.
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Introducción a Amazon Q (Español LATAM) | Amazon Q Introduction (LATAM Spanish)

En este curso, se ofrece información general de alto nivel de Amazon Q, un asistente impulsado por inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa. Obtendrá información sobre los casos prácticos y los beneficios de vincular Amazon Q con la información, el código y los sistemas de su empresa. También encontrará información adicional para avanzar en su v.
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AWS Flash - Automating with AI/ML for Small Business Owners

AWS Flash - Automating with AI/ML for Small Business Owners This course provides small business owners with a high-level overview of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Learners will explore the basics of generative AI technology and how to implement it to help their business expand into new markets, increase customer satisfaction, and enable.
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AWS Maching Learning and Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals

AWS Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two of the most transformative technologies driving innovation today. This course will teach you the essentials of AI and ML. You probably already know that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are at the f.
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Chatbots The "Chatbots" course offers a comprehensive dive into the world of chatbots, equipping learners with the skills necessary to design, build, and optimize conversational interfaces. Explore the evolution of chatbot technology and grasp the fundamental mechanics that drive their functionality. Engage in hands-on projects using Amazon Lex.
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Responsible Artificial Intelligence Practices (Traditional Chinese)

負責任的人工智慧實踐 (繁體中文) 在本課程中,您將學習 AI 實踐。首先,將為您介紹什麼是負責任的 AI。您將學習如何定義負責任的 AI、瞭解負責任的 AI 嘗試克服之挑戰,以及探索負責任 AI 的核心維度。 然後,您將深入探索一些主題,瞭解開發負責任的 AI 系統。將為您介紹由 AWS 提供,以協助您使用負責任的 AI 之服務和工具。您也將瞭解在為 AI 系統選擇模型和準備資料時,.
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All upcoming courses at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses and choose the one that's right for you.