Cloud Computing Courses

205 Courses

Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (French)

Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (French) Vous vous apprêtez à regarder une vidéo d'introduction à Amazon QuickSight, le service cloud d'analytique décisionnelle rapide qui permet de créer des visualisations, d'effectuer des analyses ad hoc et d'obtenir des informations sur le marché à partir de vos données de manière simple et rapide. Dans ce c.
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
sessions On-Demand

Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Korean)

Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Korean) 클라우드 기반의 빠른 비즈니스 분석 서비스로서, 손쉽게 데이터를 사용하여 시각화를 구축하고, 임시 분석을 수행하며, 비즈니스 통찰력을 신속하게 확보할 수 있게 하는 Amazon QuickSight에 대한 소개 동영상입니다. 이 과정에서는 Amazon QuickSight를 사용할 때의 이점과 서비스 작동 방식에 대해 설명합니다. 이 과정에는.
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
sessions On-Demand

Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Simplified Chinese)

Introduction to Amazon Quicksight (Simplified Chinese) 这是有关 Amazon QuickSight 的介绍性视频,它是一种基于云的业务分析服务,让您可以轻松构建可视化内容、执行临时分析并从数据中迅速获取业务见解。在本课程中,我们将讨论使用 Amazon QuickSight 的优势以及该服务的工作原理。本课程还将包括演示,以便您可以看到 Amazon QuickSight 的实际运作状况。 注意:本课程.
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
sessions On-Demand

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals em Português Brasileiro

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals em Português Brasileiro Este curso é uma continuação do "Business Transformation with Google Cloud" e guiará você pela jornada de transformação de uma organização do ponto de vista tecnológico. Explicaremos como as organizações podem fazer a transformação digital usando a tecnologia do Google Cloud nestas categor.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5-6 hours
sessions On-Demand

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals en Español

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals en Español. Este curso, que es una continuación de Business Transformation with Google Cloud, le permitirá conocer la perspectiva tecnológica de la transformación de una organización. Para ser más específicos, explicaremos cómo la tecnología de Google Cloud puede transformar digitalmen.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 7 weeks
sessions On-Demand

Introdução à Segurança da Informação

Introdução à Segurança da Informação - Udemy Explore as bases da Segurança da Informação com este mini-curso voltado para iniciantes. Perfeito para aqueles que desejam adentrar o mundo do Hacking Ético e Testes de Penetração. Disponível na plataforma Udemy, este curso oferecerá as ferramentas essenciais para aprimorar suas habilidades em segura.
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provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Certificação AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03

Certificação AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Certificação AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Curso Preparatório para o Exame Oficial atual SAA-C03. Top Instructor com Aulas 100% Hands on! University: Provider: Udemy Categories: Cloud Computing Courses Amazon Web Services (AWS).
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 20 hours 33 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Computação em Nuvem Amazon AWS para Iniciantes

Computação em Nuvem Amazon AWS para Iniciantes - Udemy Explore o mundo da Computação em Nuvem com a Amazon AWS! Este curso é ideal para iniciantes que desejam entender os conceitos básicos e avançados da computação em nuvem, aplicando conhecimentos na prática. No curso, você aprenderá a criar e configurar serviços na plataforma AWS, ganhando.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 3 hours 12 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Why Analytics for Games (Portuguese)

Por que Análises para Jogos (Português) Descrição do cursoEste curso aborda o uso de análises em casos de uso de jogos. Os alunos explorarão o benefício da análise e como os insights podem ser usados para melhorar o design do jogo, aumentar a eficiência das operações do jogo e embasar decisões financeiras e estratégias. Os alunos aprenderão di.
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
sessions On-Demand

Why Analytics for Games (German)

Why Analytics for Games (German) Beschreibung des KursesDieser Kurs befasst sich mit dem Einsatz von Analytik in Gaming-Anwendungsfällen. Die Kursteilnehmer erfahren mehr über die Vorteile der Analytik und untersuchen, wie die Erkenntnisse zur Verbesserung des Spieldesigns, zur Steigerung der Effizienz des Spielbetriebs und zur Information bei fi.
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provider AWS Skill Builder
pricing Free Certificate
sessions On-Demand

Cloud training: courses and programmes

Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure and more and more professionals are looking to develop their skills in this area. There are various computing courses, such as AI Eeducation lessons, that offer training from the basics to advanced levels. In this article, we will take a look at the best courses available online and the benefits you will get by choosing these educational programmes.

Why choose cloud computing courses?

Cloud technology is opening new horizons for businesses by providing opportunities for scaling, data management, and cost reduction. Keeping this trend in mind, IT professionals and aspiring IT professionals can gain a significant advantage by learning cloud computing classes.

Cloud computing courses will help you understand:

Taking popular computing lessons can significantly enhance your career prospects. Professionals with cloud computing expertise are in demand in many industries, from finance to healthcare. Employers are looking for people who can adapt information to business needs, reduce costs and increase productivity at the same time.

Best cloud computing courses

When it comes to choosing the best cloud computing courses, there are many options available for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Now that learning has become more flexible, students can choose the courses of their choice. Cloud computing courses online offer the opportunity to study at a convenient time and place. This is especially important for working professionals who can combine learning with their core business.

In addition to flexibility, online courses often offer access to additional resources such as video tutorials, interactive assignments and discussion forums where students can share experiences and get advice from instructors and peers.

How do I choose the right course?

Choosing the right course can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Here are some guidelines to help you with your choice:

  1. Assess your knowledge and goals - Determine what level you are at and what goals you want to achieve (certification system, professional development, etc.).

  2. Examine testimonials - Pay attention to student reviews of courses. This can provide insight into the quality of the materials and teaching.

  3. Review course content - Make sure the course includes topics that you are interested in and aligns with your professional goals.

  4. Make sure there is practice - Practical assignments will help you learn the material better and apply what you have learnt in practice.

Cloud computing is a field that continues to gain popularity and provides ample opportunities for professional growth. These computing lessons can help you learn how to work with new technologies, increase your competitiveness in the labour market and open doors to new career opportunities. Don't miss the chance to learn from the best experts and develop your skills in this rapidly growing field!