Communication Skills Courses
158 Courses
Overcome Common Coaching Challenges as a Leader
Overcome Common Coaching Challenges as a Leader
Provider: LinkedIn Learning
As a leader, effective coaching is key to nurturing talent and driving performance. This course offers valuable insights and practical strategies to tackle the common challenges faced in coaching employees.
Categories: Emotional Intelligence, Communication Skills, Confli.
Travailler autrement : les astuces à connaître, les biais à éviter
Travailler autrement : les astuces à connaître, les biais à éviter
Travailler efficacement et sereinement n'est pas toujours facile au quotidien : manque de temps, collaborations tendues, objectifs flous, injonctions contradictoires… peuvent vous conduire à adopter des pratiques de travail contraires au fonctionnement de votre cerveau. Cette forma.
Formación de adolescentes centrada en la relación
Formación de adolescentes centrada en la relación
¿Quieres fortalecer la relación con tu hijo o con tu alumno adolescente? ¿Te gustaría entender mejor los cambios físicos, emocionales y psicológicos que atraviesan? En este curso, exploraremos diferentes aspectos y características de la adolescencia para facilitar la comunicación y la convivencia e.
Using Emotional Intelligence to Communicate with Empathy
Using Emotional Intelligence to Communicate with Empathy
Discover the art of empathetic communication in our comprehensive course titled "Using Emotional Intelligence to Communicate with Empathy." This course is meticulously designed to help you integrate empathy into both personal and professional interactions, thereby buildin.
The Art and Science of Self Leadership
The "Art and Science of Self Leadership" course is crafted to empower individuals with essential skills for navigating both personal and professional challenges. Dive deep into self-concept, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal dynamics to enhance your self-awareness and interactions with others. This course offers structured learning a.
Adopter une posture empathique
Cette formation vise à fournir aux participants des clés pour développer une posture relationnelle fondée sur l'empathie et la confiance en soi. En mobilisant l'écoute active et la communication positive, les stagiaires apprendront à accepter les critiques constructives, améliorant ainsi leurs compétences relationnelles.
Travailler sur soi pour.
An Introduction to Counselling Skills
Embark on a transformative journey with the University of Lincoln’s Introduction to Counselling course. This program opens pathways to mastering skills essential for enriching your life personally and professionally.
Step into the counselling realm confidently, where each conversation holds the potential for significant growth and understanding.
AI for Lawyers: Learning and Leading
Embark on a thought-provoking journey with the University of Michigan's course, AI for Lawyers: Learning and Leading, available on Coursera. This is the concluding part of the four-part series titled "AI for Lawyers and Other Advocates." Examine the crucial questions at the intersection of artificial intelligence, education, and profes.
Super Networking: Networking Personal para principiantes
Adéntrate en el mundo del networking con el curso "Super Networking: Networking Personal para Principiantes" ofrecido por Udemy. Este curso proporciona un sistema comprobado para mejorar tus habilidades sociales, ganar confianza y acelerar tu éxito personal. Ideal para aquellos que buscan fortalecer sus capacidades de comunicación y e.