An Introduction to Counselling Skills

via FutureLearn


128 Courses

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Embark on a transformative journey with the University of Lincoln’s Introduction to Counselling course. This program opens pathways to mastering skills essential for enriching your life personally and professionally.

Step into the counselling realm confidently, where each conversation holds the potential for significant growth and understanding.

Gain a solid understanding of counselling's core principles. Begin by clarifying the essence of counselling and distinguishing it from other personal and professional interactions.

Delve into the theoretical frameworks shaping effective counselling practices, setting the stage for deeper exploration and career progress in this nurturing field.

Active listening transcends mere hearing by fully engaging and understanding without judgment. This vital skill enhances interactions, from professional meetings to personal discussions.

You'll acquire techniques to refine your listening skills, ensuring you interpret words with true comprehension and responsive communication.

Empathy, pivotal in counselling, allows for profound human connection. Enhancing this ability will revolutionize your relationships and boost emotional intelligence.

Conclude the course with insights on applying practical counselling skills within their supporting theoretical frameworks, effectively using techniques across diverse situations.

This course suits aspiring counsellors, professionals seeking improved communication skills, educators, and those keen on fostering empathetic and effective interpersonal interactions for personal and professional growth.


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