Title: Mining Quality Prediction Using Machine & Deep Learning
Description: Engage in a comprehensive 1.5-hour project-based course on Coursera, designed to enhance your understanding of both simple and multiple linear regression. Throughout this educational journey, you'll:
- Grasp the core concepts and principles underlying linear regression.
- Learn how to import essential Python libraries, datasets, and how to execute data visualization effectively.
- Conduct exploratory data analysis and standardize your training and testing datasets.
- Train and evaluate a variety of regression models using the Sci-kit Learn library.
- Develop and train an Artificial Neural Network specifically for regression tasks.
- Comprehend the distinctions among various regression model KPIs, including MSE, RMSE, MAE, R2, and adjusted R2.
- Analyze the effectiveness of different regression models and represent the performance outcomes of the optimal model using various KPIs.
University: Provider: Coursera
Categories: Machine Learning Courses, Deep Learning Courses, Data Mining Courses, Data Visualization Courses, Linear Regression Courses.
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