Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown

via edX


294 Courses

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Explore the future of mobility with the Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown course. This educational journey offers a comprehensive introduction to the fascinating world of vehicle autonomy, blending theoretical knowledge with practical application. Dive into the realm of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) as they promise to transform everyday life, particularly through the advent of autonomous vehicles.

Ever curious about the inner workings of autonomous cars? This course provides the perfect platform to quench your curiosity. Embark on a hands-on adventure, beginning with assembling a scaled self-driving car from scratch, eventually enabling it to navigate autonomously within your living space. Leveraging cutting-edge techniques, the most up-to-date software tools, and tangible hardware, participants will experience a dynamic and immersive learning process.

Delving into the practical aspects of vehicle autonomy, the course covers essential topics such as real-world problem-solving in autonomy, conversion of theories into practical algorithms, and their implementation in both simulated environments and physical hardware. It highlights the synergy between classical architectures and contemporary machine-learning methodologies using advanced software built on Python, the Robot Operating System (ROS), and Docker.

Offered by passionate professors and scientists, this initiative leans on the Duckietown robotic ecosystem. Originating from the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Duckietown is an open-source initiative now embraced by over 150 universities globally. Whether you're interested in simulation-based learning or eager for a hands-on experience, this course accommodates both paths. It provides an all-inclusive low-cost Jetson Nano-powered Duckiebot kit for those choosing the tangible route.

This enriching educational opportunity is made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), the University of Montreal (Prof. Liam Paull), the Duckietown Foundation, and the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (Prof. Matthew Walter), brought to learners worldwide through edX. This course fall into several educational categories, including Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Machine Learning, Autonomous Vehicles, Docker, and Control Systems.


Taught by

Jacopo Tani and Andrea Censi

