Data Visualization Courses

679 Courses


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《信息设计》是专为设计专业研究生开设的选修课程,分为八大章节,涵盖从信息设计概述到大数据可视化的各个方面。通过模块化知识图谱设计,课程满足不同学科背景与个性化学习需求。 建议每位学生学习信息设计概述及流程,以获取核心原则。视觉传达设计专业可集中于用户研究法与效果测试,而产品设计专业则加强视觉设计原则的理解。 大数据可视化需具备计算机技术基础,设计.
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Data Analysis of Electronic Commerce

Join our comprehensive course on Data Analysis of Electronic Commerce and elevate your expertise in essential data analysis techniques tailored specifically for the e-commerce sector. Delve into the practical exploration of business intelligence tools and master the intricacies of data cleaning methods. This course offers real-world applicati.
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Data Analysis | SQL,Tableau,Power BI & Excel | Real Projects

Unlock the full potential of data analysis with our 4-in-1 bundle course that brings together the most crucial tools in data science. Through hands-on examples and real projects, you'll gain practical experience in SQL, Tableau, Power BI, and Excel. This comprehensive course is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of data h.
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Excel Charts & Graphs: Master Class Excel Charts & Graphs

Join the "Excel Charts & Graphs: Master Class" to master the art of creating stunning graphs and infographics using Microsoft Excel. Offered by Udemy, this course is perfect for those looking to elevate their data analysis and visualization skills. Gain the expertise needed to design professional reports and infographics that communicate insi.
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Programming for Scientific Research with Python and R

Delve into the world of scientific research using Python and R in this expertly crafted course offered by Udemy. Designed for aspiring scientists and data analysts, this course covers a broad spectrum of topics including data manipulation, visualization with Matplotlib, statistical analysis with SciPy, and comprehensive data handling using NumP.
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Python Fundamentals

Python is the leading programming language crucial for data science, making it essential for kick-starting or advancing your career in the field. This course covers the core skills required to write and execute Python code effectively. Gain an understanding of basic Python concepts to set a strong foundation for data science projects. Learn to h.
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作为清华大学计算机系成立六十周年的庆祝活动之一,该系列学术报告旨在通过邀请国内外学术界与产业界的知名学者和专家,进行专题演讲,介绍国际前沿的研究及产业动态,同时分享他们的战略思考与成果。在交流中找出不足,明确方向,以推动清华大学计算机学科的进一步发展。 六十周年系庆学术报告是一次学术盛宴,参与的演讲者均为各领域的大专家,包括图灵奖得主,以及中外国.
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Creación de inteligencia empresarial avanzada con Amazon QuickSight (parte 1) (Español LATAM) | Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 1) (LATAM Spanish)

Este curso es la primera parte de una serie de dos cursos dedicados a la creación de experiencias avanzadas de inteligencia empresarial con Amazon QuickSight. Durante el curso, refrescará sus conocimientos sobre QuickSight, aprenderá a conectarse a múltiples fuentes de datos, manejar varios conjuntos de datos en un análisis, y compartir recursos. T.
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