All current Fairness Courses courses in 2024
7 Courses
Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias
Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias
This course introduces you to the essential concepts of responsible AI and fundamental AI principles. Delve into practical techniques to identify fairness and uncover biases in AI/ML practices. Learn to mitigate these biases effectively.
Explore an array of practical methods and tools designed to.
AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Japanese)
このコースでは、責任ある AI とは何か、そしてなぜそれが生成 AI の文脈において重要なのかを概説します。責任ある AI とは、倫理的、透明、公正、かつ説明責任のある方法で AI を開発、デプロイ、使用することです。このコースでは、責任ある AI の主な要素と、公平性、説明可能性、プライバシー、堅牢性、ガバナンス、透明性に関するベストプラクティスの確立について.
AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Traditional Chinese)
本課程提供對負責任 AI 的基本介紹,重點探討其在生成式 AI 環境中的重要性。負責任 AI 涉及以道德、透明、和公正的方式開發和部署 AI。核心內容包括公平性、可解釋性、隱私、穩健性、和透明度的最佳實踐。您將學習如何利用 AWS 的服務和工具,構建負責任且可靠的 AI 系統。
授課時長:60-75 分鐘
AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Simplified Chinese)
本课程概述了什么是负责任的 AI 以及它在生成式人工智能背景下的重要性。负责任的 AI 是指以合乎伦理、透明、公平且负责任的方式开发、部署和使用 AI。本课程涵盖负责任的 AI 的核心维度以及建立公平性、可解释性、隐私、稳健性、监管和透明度方面的最佳实践。本课程还将介绍用于在 AWS 上负责任地构建 AI 的服务和工具。
时长:60-75 分钟
AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Korean)
In this course, we briefly explain what responsible AI is and why it is important in generative AI. Responsible AI refers to developing, deploying, and using AI in ethical, transparent, fair, and accountable ways. The course covers key elements of responsible AI including fairness, explainability, privacy, robustness, governance, and transparen.
Geliştiriciler İçin Sorumlu Yapay Zeka
Bu uzmanlık kursu, geliştiricilere sorumlu yapay zeka sistemleri inşa etmek için gerekli bilgi ve becerileri kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Fairness, Interpretability, Transparency, Privacy ve Safety'nin önemli ilkelerini öğrenin ve AI sistemlerinizi etik, güvenilir ve kullanıcılar için faydalı kılmak için pratik beceriler kazanın.
Responsible AI: Principles, Practices, and Applications
Responsible AI: Principles, Practices, and Applications | Udemy Course
Join the course on Responsible AI: Principles, Practices, and Applications, and learn how to implement AI responsibly. Offered by Udemy, this course is perfect for those looking to deepen their understanding of responsible AI practices and ethics in the world of Art.