Machine Learning courses

1330 Courses

Accounting and auditing with artificial intelligence-Odoo 17

Discover how artificial intelligence can transform your accounting and auditing processes with our comprehensive course, 'Accounting and Auditing with Artificial Intelligence - Odoo 17'. Offered by Udemy, this course delves into the innovative integration of AI to streamline workflow, boost efficiency, and ensure accuracy in financial manageme.
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Criação avançada de business intelligence no Amazon QuickSight (parte 2) (Português) | Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 2) (Portuguese)

Este curso faz parte de uma série em duas partes onde os alunos irão dominar a criação de experiências de business intelligence através do Amazon QuickSight. No segundo curso, você ganhará habilidades práticas para criar interatividade, com ênfase em filtros, ações, navegação e planilhas. Aprenda sobre segurança no QuickSight, configurando se.
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Creación de inteligencia empresarial avanzada con Amazon QuickSight (parte 2) (Español LATAM) | Amazon QuickSight Advanced Business Intelligence Authoring (Part 2) (LATAM Spanish)

Este curso es parte de una serie de dos partes. En esta serie, los estudiantes aprenderán cómo crear experiencias de inteligencia empresarial con Amazon QuickSight. En este segundo curso, obtendrá conocimientos prácticos sobre la creación de interactividad, incluidos filtros, acciones, navegación y hojas. Aprenderá sobre la seguridad de Q.
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AWS Flash - Dar rienda suelta a la innovación: la revolución de la IA generativa (Español LATAM) | AWS Flash - Unleashing Innovation: The Generative AI Revolution (LATAM Spanish)

Descubra cómo la inteligencia artificial generativa transforma la innovación creativa más allá de la simple novedad. Este curso básico de 2 horas le proporcionará un conocimiento accesible de cómo utilizar esta tecnología de manera colaborativa y responsable para impulsar la innovación. Nivel del curso: básico Duración: 2 horas Actividades.
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智能时代下的创新创业实践 《智能时代的创新创业》课程整合了信息学科与创新教育的经验,旨在帮助学员在智能时代进行创新创业。课程内容总结为一个能力模型、两个课程重点和三个讲解部分,主要包括五层能力:自我认知、创新能力、技术能力、商业能力和团队合作。 课程设置了创新能力的培养模块,通过创新心智模式训练提高学员的创新能力。此外,.
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六十周年系庆学术报告是清华大学计算机系建系六十周年的庆祝活动之一。组织这一系列学术报告的目的是:通过邀请国内外学术界与产业界知名的学者、专家做专题演讲,介绍国际前沿研究及产业发展动向,分享他们的战略思考与成果,实现在交流中找到差距,明确方向,从而促进清华大学计算机学科进一步向前发展。 六十周年系庆学术报告是一场学术盛宴。报告的演讲者都是各个领域的.
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《机器学习与模式识别》是为人工智能、工业智能以及自动化专业设计的专业课程,研究如何利用机器学习方法完成模式识别任务中涉及的基本概念、原理和实现方法。 课程内容涵盖模式识别与机器学习的基本任务、核心概念与方法,包括贝叶斯决策论与概率模型估计、线性分类与回归、支持向量机、决策树、集成学习、模型评估、特征学习与选择,以及人工神经网络与深度学习。另外,本.
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《人工智能》课程的主要特点包括以下几个方面: 门槛较低:不需要掌握计算机基础知识,只需大学工科数学基础和一门编程语言。 内容全面:涵盖经典人工智能技术、机器学习及深度学习相关知识,系统介绍发展历程中的各种成果和走过的弯路。 实践性强:不仅提供理论讲授,还有编程实践,学生普遍对这部分内容非常感兴趣。 本课程适合希望全面了解和掌握人工智能技术.
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Join the introductory lecture on neural networks presented by Beijing Technology and Business University. This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge about artificial neural network concepts, theoretical frameworks, and their practical applications. Perfect for those eager to explore the world of neural networks, this lecture.
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Geliştiriciler İçin Sorumlu Yapay Zeka: Gizlilik ve Güvenlik

Geliştiriciler İçin Sorumlu Yapay Zeka: Gizlilik ve Güvenlik kursuna hoş geldiniz. Bu kapsamlı eğitimde, yapay zekanın gizlilik ve güvenlik boyutlarını derinlemesine inceleyecek ve pratiğe dökeceksiniz. Kurs boyunca, Google Cloud'un ürünleri ve çeşitli açık kaynak araçları kullanarak, yapay zekada en iyi gizlilik ve güvenlik uygulamalarını nas.
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More and more products are now being developed using artificial intelligence. To avoid being left on the sidelines of progress, managers must understand how the robot’s “brains” work

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies have been used for many years, but now the intensity of their use has increased significantly. For example, machine learning is being actively implemented in telecommunications, retail, marketing and e-commerce. But many still do not fully understand what it is.

Machine learning involves the system processing a large number of examples, during which it identifies patterns and uses them to predict the characteristics of new data. In other words, this is the process of giving AI ml courses “consciousness”, the ability to remember and analyze.

Machine learning use cases

The use of machine learning has touched many areas in our lives. Let's look at the most striking examples of the use of computer intelligence:

Facial recognition in the subway will help identify violators or criminals in a huge mass of people. Ordinary observers cannot cope with this task. But a fast-learning machine will do this job without any problems.

What do you need for machine learning (ML)?

For those interested in training, there are several requirements to be met in order to be successful in this field. So, there are the main points you need to know about the machine learning course. These requirements include:

  1. Basic knowledge of programming languages such as Python, R, Java, JavaScript, etc.

  2. Average knowledge of statistics and probability.

  3. Basic knowledge of linear algebra in the ml course. In a linear regression model, a line is drawn through all the data points, and that line is used to calculate new values.

  4. Understanding Calculus.

  5. Knowledge of how to clean and structure raw data into the desired format to reduce the time required for decision making.

Machine learning courses from AI Eeducation are the best choice!