Machine Learning courses

1336 Courses

provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

AIパーフェクトマスター講座 -Google Colaboratoryで隅々まで学ぶ実用的な人工知能/機械学習-

AIパーフェクトマスター講座 - Google Colaboratoryで隅々まで学ぶ実用的な人工知能/機械学習 - Udemy コース概要 AIパーフェクトマスター講座は、Google Colaboratoryを活用して実用的な人工知能技術を隅々まで学べるコースです。ディープラーニングを中心に、画像識別や画像生成、RNNや強化学習などの有用なAI技術を幅広く習得し、最終的には人工知能Webア.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 12 hours 8 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Creando un modelo de lenguaje natural con Spacy

Creando un modelo de lenguaje natural con Spacy - Coursera Al completar este proyecto de 1 hora de duración, entenderás y podrás desarrollar tus propios modelos de lenguaje natural con Python, usando una de las librerías más populares para ello, Spacy, a partir de un conjunto de datos definidos, y entender las ventajas y qué otras acciones po.
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provider Coursera
pricing Paid Course
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Apprendre à une IA des jeux de stratégie avec easyAI

Apprendre à une IA des jeux de stratégie avec easyAI Dans ce projet guidé, découvrez easyAI, un Framework d’intelligence artificielle capable d’enseigner à la machine comment jouer à des jeux de stratégie dits à somme nulle. À travers ce cours, vous apprendrez à créer cinq jeux en console : le jeu des Allumettes, le jeu de Nim, le Morpion, Puiss.
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provider Coursera
pricing Paid Course
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Yapay Zeka, Makine Öğrenimi ve Doğal Dil İşleme

Yapay Zeka, Makine Öğrenimi ve Doğal Dil İşleme - Udemy Yapay Zeka, Makine Öğrenimi ve Doğal Dil İşleme Yapay zeka ve makine öğrenimi algoritmalarına giriş yapabileceğiniz kapsamlı bir kurs. Udemy tarafından sunulan bu kurs ile yapay zeka ve doğal dil işleme üzerine detaylı bilgiler edinebilirsiniz. Üniversite: Udemy Kategoril.
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provider Udemy
pricing Free Online Course
duration 1 hour 53 minutes
sessions On-Demand

KI für alle

KI für alle Künstliche Intelligenz ist nicht nur für Ingenieure gedacht. Wenn Sie Ihre Organisation dabei unterstützen möchten, KI effizienter zu nutzen, ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige – speziell für Ihre nicht-technischen Kollegen. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie: Die Bedeutung der gängigen KI-Terminologie, einschließlich neuronaler Netze, ma.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 6-7 hours
sessions On-Demand

L’IA pour tous

L’IA pour tous L’IA n’est pas réservée aux ingénieurs. Si vous souhaitez optimiser les compétences de votre organisation en matière d'IA, ce cours est recommandé pour tout votre personnel, notamment pour ceux des départements non techniques. Ce cours vous permettra de découvrir : La signification de la terminologie courante de l’IA, y comp.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 6-7 hours
sessions On-Demand

AI For Everyone (すべての人のためのAIリテラシー講座)

AI For Everyone (すべての人のためのAIリテラシー講座) AIはエンジニアだけのものではなく、今や社会人の基本リテラシーといえます。本コースは、AIの基礎を学びたい方、今の組織をAIを使いこなせる組織へと変革させたい方、そんなすべての方々に、理系文系問わず、肩書きや職種問わず、受講いただけるコースです。 本コースでは、次のことを学習していただきます:.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 7-8 hours
sessions On-Demand

AI、機械学習、ディープラーニングのための TensorFlow 入門

ソフトウェア開発者であれば、拡張性のあるAI搭載アルゴリズムを構築したい場合、構築ツールの使い方を理解する必要があります。この講座は今後学んでいく「TensorFlow in Practice 専門講座」の一部であり、機械学習用の人気のオープンソースフレームワークであるTensorFlowのベストプラクティスを学習します。 アンドリュー・エンの「The Machine Learning(機械学習.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 14 hours
sessions On-Demand

Classez et segmentez des données visuelles

Classez et segmentez des données visuelles Bienvenue dans le cours de vision par ordinateur ! Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre à classifier des images à l'aide des algorithmes issus du Machine Learning, en particulier de l'apprentissage supervisé (approche plutôt traditionnelle) et du Deep Learning (approche très moderne). La première partie vo.
provider OpenClassrooms
pricing Free Online Course
duration 15 hours
sessions On-Demand

More and more products are now being developed using artificial intelligence. To avoid being left on the sidelines of progress, managers must understand how the robot’s “brains” work

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies have been used for many years, but now the intensity of their use has increased significantly. For example, machine learning is being actively implemented in telecommunications, retail, marketing and e-commerce. But many still do not fully understand what it is.

Machine learning involves the system processing a large number of examples, during which it identifies patterns and uses them to predict the characteristics of new data. In other words, this is the process of giving AI ml courses “consciousness”, the ability to remember and analyze.

Machine learning use cases

The use of machine learning has touched many areas in our lives. Let's look at the most striking examples of the use of computer intelligence:

Facial recognition in the subway will help identify violators or criminals in a huge mass of people. Ordinary observers cannot cope with this task. But a fast-learning machine will do this job without any problems.

What do you need for machine learning (ML)?

For those interested in training, there are several requirements to be met in order to be successful in this field. So, there are the main points you need to know about the machine learning course. These requirements include:

  1. Basic knowledge of programming languages such as Python, R, Java, JavaScript, etc.

  2. Average knowledge of statistics and probability.

  3. Basic knowledge of linear algebra in the ml course. In a linear regression model, a line is drawn through all the data points, and that line is used to calculate new values.

  4. Understanding Calculus.

  5. Knowledge of how to clean and structure raw data into the desired format to reduce the time required for decision making.

Machine learning courses from AI Eeducation are the best choice!