All current Management Courses courses in 2024

24 Courses

Organizational Behavior

This Organizational Behavior course offers a rigorous and practical academic journey. It aims to deepen your understanding of individual and group behavior within organizations, including your own. Explore various theoretical perspectives to view management roles from multiple angles. Dive into classic studies and recent research, emphasizing th.
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于9月17日,学堂在线特别邀请同济大学经济与管理学院的教授与博士生导师闫淑敏,为大家带来一场题为《人工智能的发展对人力资源管理的挑战》的讲座。这次讲座旨在帮助参与者深入理解人工智能在未来人力资源管理中所扮演的角色,以及它所带来的各类机遇与挑战。 讲座由学堂在线提供,涵盖多个课程类别,如人工智能课程、数字化转型课程、商业战略课程、劳动力发展课程、管理.
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Impact Leadership

Impact Leadership Human capital is the most valuable resource for an organization. Empirical evidence shows that diversity of ideas and ways of thinking leads to complex problem solving and promotes innovation in organizations, leading to stronger performance and results. Do you know the difference between diversity, equity and inclu.
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CARE management pour soi et ses équipes

CARE Management pour soi et ses équipes Ce nouveau MOOC est à la croisée de trois champs thématiques: Le développement personnel Le management L’économie de transition Il donne des réponses à trois questions: Comment changer ma façon de travailler pour avoir moins de stress et plus de valeur à l’ère de l’IA? réponse le Self C.
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