All current Negotiation Courses courses in 2024
55 Courses
Potencia tu comunicación como líder
Potencia tu comunicación como líder
¿Quieres influir positivamente en las decisiones de los demás y lograr resultados excepcionales? Aquí descubrirás cómo transmitir tus ideas de forma clara y poderosa. Dirigido a quienes desean mejorar su habilidad para transmitir ideas e influir en los demás, en este curso aprenderás a entender las emociones q.
Having Difficult Conversations
Discover how to navigate challenging conversations effectively with colleagues, employees, and managers. This course empowers you to develop your communication skills, enhancing relationships, fostering teamwork, and boosting overall business performance.
Provided by LinkedIn Learning, this comprehensive course falls under several key catego.
Mistakes to Avoid When Resolving Conflict
Mistakes to Avoid When Resolving Conflict
Title: Mistakes to Avoid When Resolving Conflict
Description: Learn how to avoid common mistakes when working to resolve conflict at work and in your personal life.
University: Provider: LinkedIn Learning
Categories: Emotional Intelligence Courses, Communication Skills Courses, Conflict R.
The 10 Essentials of Influence and Persuasion
Title: The 10 Essentials of Influence and Persuasion
Description: Learn proven ways to ethically and practically improve your ability to influence and persuade others at work, at home, and online.
Provider: LinkedIn Learning
Emotional Intelligence Courses
Communication Skills Courses
Psychology Courses
Negotiation Courses.