All current Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses courses in 2024

147 Courses

AWS ML Engineer Associate 2.1 Choose a Modeling Approach (Korean)

AWS ML 스택 계층을 살펴보고 AWS 서비스를 사용하여 일반적인 비즈니스 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알아봅니다. 이 과정에서는 기계 학습 태스크에 Amazon SageMaker를 사용하는 방법과 적절한 모델을 선택하기 위한 전략을 검토하는 방법을 살펴봅니다. 또한 사전 훈련된 Amazon SageMaker JumpStart ML 솔루션의 특정 시나리오를 중점적으로 설명하고 비즈니스 요구 사항에.
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AWS Flash - Operationalize Generative AI Applications (FMOps/LLMOps) (Simplified Chinese)

本课程概述了生产 LLM 所面临的挑战以及一套可用于解决这些挑战的工具。课程将概述开发、部署和实施 LLM 的参考架构,并展开介绍该过程的每个阶段。 课程级别:中级 时长:90 分钟 课程内容 本课程包括演讲、真实示例和案例研究。 课程目标 在本课程中,您将学习以下内容: 区分 MLOPs 和 LLMOPs,定义实施 LLM 时面临的核心挑战 学习如何为给定的使用案例.
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AWS Cloud Quest: Generative AI (Japanese)

Provider: AWS Skill Builder Categories: Machine Learning Courses, Cloud Computing Courses, Generative AI Courses, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses, Amazon SageMaker Courses, LangChain Courses, Amazon S3 Courses, AWS Lambda Courses
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AWS Cloud Quest: Machine Learning (Japanese)

Explore the dynamic world of cloud computing and machine learning with AWS Cloud Quest: Machine Learning - offered in Japanese by AWS Skill Builder. This course is your gateway to mastering essential concepts such as: Cloud computing fundamentals with Amazon S3. Introductory cloud steps using Amazon EC2 and AWS infrastructure. Estimat.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Traditional Chinese)

本課程提供對負責任 AI 的基本介紹,重點探討其在生成式 AI 環境中的重要性。負責任 AI 涉及以道德、透明、和公正的方式開發和部署 AI。核心內容包括公平性、可解釋性、隱私、穩健性、和透明度的最佳實踐。您將學習如何利用 AWS 的服務和工具,構建負責任且可靠的 AI 系統。 課程等級:基礎 授課時長:60-75 分鐘 注意:課程提供本地化註釋/字幕,旁白為英語。要.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Japanese)

このコースでは、責任ある AI とは何か、そしてなぜそれが生成 AI の文脈において重要なのかを概説します。責任ある AI とは、倫理的、透明、公正、かつ説明責任のある方法で AI を開発、デプロイ、使用することです。このコースでは、責任ある AI の主な要素と、公平性、説明可能性、プライバシー、堅牢性、ガバナンス、透明性に関するベストプラクティスの確立について.
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AWS Maching Learning and Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals

AWS Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two of the most transformative technologies driving innovation today. This course will teach you the essentials of AI and ML. You probably already know that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are at the f.
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Introducción a Amazon Q (Español LATAM) | Amazon Q Introduction (LATAM Spanish)

En este curso, se ofrece información general de alto nivel de Amazon Q, un asistente impulsado por inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa. Obtendrá información sobre los casos prácticos y los beneficios de vincular Amazon Q con la información, el código y los sistemas de su empresa. También encontrará información adicional para avanzar en su v.
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AWS Flash - Automating with AI/ML for Small Business Owners

AWS Flash - Automating with AI/ML for Small Business Owners This course provides small business owners with a high-level overview of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Learners will explore the basics of generative AI technology and how to implement it to help their business expand into new markets, increase customer satisfaction, and enable.
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Conceitos básicos do Amazon Q Developer (Português) | Amazon Q Developer Getting Started (Portuguese)

Conceitos básicos do Amazon Q Developer (Português) | Amazon Q Developer Getting Started (Portuguese) O Amazon Q Developer é um assistente baseado em inteligência artificial (IA) generativa que ajuda você a entender, criar, estender e operar aplicações da AWS em todo o ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de software. Neste curso introdutório, você ap.
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All upcoming courses at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses on the AI ​​Education website. Check out all courses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses and choose the one that's right for you.