

9205 Courses

AWS ML Engineer Associate Curriculum Overview (Korean)

AWS ML 엔지니어 어소시에이트 교육 과정의 이 입문자용 과정에서는 기계 학습(ML) 관련 기본 사항을 복습하고 ML 및 AI의 발전 상황을 살펴봅니다. 비즈니스 목표를 파악하고 ML 문제를 공식화하며 Amazon SageMaker에 대해 알아봅니다. 과정 수준: 고급 소요 시간: 45분 참고: 이 과정의 동영상에는 한국어 트랜스크립트 또는 자막이 지원됩니다. 자막을 표시하.
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AWS ML Engineer Associate 2.1 Choose a Modeling Approach (Korean)

AWS ML 스택 계층을 살펴보고 AWS 서비스를 사용하여 일반적인 비즈니스 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알아봅니다. 이 과정에서는 기계 학습 태스크에 Amazon SageMaker를 사용하는 방법과 적절한 모델을 선택하기 위한 전략을 검토하는 방법을 살펴봅니다. 또한 사전 훈련된 Amazon SageMaker JumpStart ML 솔루션의 특정 시나리오를 중점적으로 설명하고 비즈니스 요구 사항에.
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Optimizing Foundation Models (Indonesian)

Optimizing Foundation Models (Indonesian) Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan mengeksplorasi dua teknik untuk meningkatkan kinerja model fondasi (FM): Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) dan penyempurnaan. Anda akan belajar mengenai layanan Amazon Web Services (AWS) yang membantu menyimpan penyematan dengan basis data vektor, peran agen dalam tugas den.
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AWS Flash - Generative AI in Action: Real-World Use Cases (Indonesian)

Kursus ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang kasus penggunaan AI generatif dan nilai bisnis yang diberikan. Termasuk aplikasi dunia nyata untuk AI generatif di seluruh industri utama dan studi kasus. Tingkat kursus: Dasar Durasi: 75 menit Catatan: Kursus ini memiliki transkrip/subtitle lokal. Narasi disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Korean)

In this course, we briefly explain what responsible AI is and why it is important in generative AI. Responsible AI refers to developing, deploying, and using AI in ethical, transparent, fair, and accountable ways. The course covers key elements of responsible AI including fairness, explainability, privacy, robustness, governance, and transparen.
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AWS Flash - Introduction to Responsible AI (Simplified Chinese)

本课程概述了什么是负责任的 AI 以及它在生成式人工智能背景下的重要性。负责任的 AI 是指以合乎伦理、透明、公平且负责任的方式开发、部署和使用 AI。本课程涵盖负责任的 AI 的核心维度以及建立公平性、可解释性、隐私、稳健性、监管和透明度方面的最佳实践。本课程还将介绍用于在 AWS 上负责任地构建 AI 的服务和工具。 课程级别:基础级 时长:60-75 分钟 注.
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AWS Flash - Operationalize Generative AI Applications (FMOps/LLMOps) (Simplified Chinese)

本课程概述了生产 LLM 所面临的挑战以及一套可用于解决这些挑战的工具。课程将概述开发、部署和实施 LLM 的参考架构,并展开介绍该过程的每个阶段。 课程级别:中级 时长:90 分钟 课程内容 本课程包括演讲、真实示例和案例研究。 课程目标 在本课程中,您将学习以下内容: 区分 MLOPs 和 LLMOPs,定义实施 LLM 时面临的核心挑战 学习如何为给定的使用案例.
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AWS Flash - Unleashing Innovation: The Generative AI Revolution (Indonesian)

Kita berada dalam masyarakat di mana garis antara apa yang diciptakan oleh manusia, dan apa yang diciptakan oleh mesin, makin kabur. AI generatif telah menjadi titik balik dalam cara kita membuat, merancang, dan berinteraksi dengan teknologi. Tetapi bagaimana cara kerjanya, apa manfaat di luar kebaruan dan apa risikonya? Bergabunglah dengan kam.
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AWS Flash - Generative AI in Action: Real-World Use Cases (Simplified Chinese)

AWS Flash: Generative AI in Action - Real-World Use Cases (Simplified Chinese) 本课程概述了生成式 AI 使用案例及其提供的商业价值。包括生成式 AI 在主要行业和案例研究中的实际应用。 课程级别:基础级 时长:75 分钟 注意:本课程具有本地化的注释/字幕。 旁白保留英语。要显示字幕,请单击播放器右下角的 CC 按钮。 课程内容 本课程包括讲解、真实示例和案例研.
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AWS Cloud Quest: Generative AI (Japanese)

Provider: AWS Skill Builder Categories: Machine Learning Courses, Cloud Computing Courses, Generative AI Courses, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses, Amazon SageMaker Courses, LangChain Courses, Amazon S3 Courses, AWS Lambda Courses
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education has become an integral part of the academic curriculum in universities around the world. As the demand for AI professionals continues to soar, educational institutions are expanding their offerings to include specialized courses and programs tailored to meet the needs of the industry. In this digital age, online college courses have emerged as a convenient and flexible way for students to acquire new skills and knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Rise of Online Universities Courses in AI Education

Online university courses have revolutionized the way students access education, making it more accessible and affordable. With just a few clicks, students can enroll in top universities courses from anywhere in the world, eliminating the barriers of time and location. This flexibility has made AI education more inclusive and diverse, attracting students from different backgrounds and cultures.

Empowering Students with Cutting-Edge AI Programs

One of the best ways to kickstart a career in artificial intelligence is by enrolling in an online course for students. These programs are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of AI concepts, ranging from machine learning to neural networks and natural language processing. Students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a competitive job market, where AI professionals are in high demand.

The Role of Universities in Shaping the Future of AI

Universities play a crucial role in advancing AI education by offering specialized courses and degree programs in artificial intelligence. From universities AI courses to artificial intelligence uni programs, students have a wide array of options to choose from based on their interests and career goals. Leading institutions are at the forefront of research and innovation, ensuring that students receive a top-notch education that prepares them for success in the field.

Choosing the Right Path: Best Colleges for Artificial Intelligence

When it comes to pursuing a career in artificial intelligence, choosing the right educational institution is key. The best colleges for artificial intelligence are known for their cutting-edge research, world-class faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities. Whether you're interested in pursuing an artificial intelligence course at a university or an AI education firm, it's essential to select a program that aligns with your aspirations and aspirations.

In conclusion, the field of artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve requires continuous learning and skill development. With the proliferation of online university courses and specialized AI programs, students have unprecedented opportunities to explore the vast potential of AI education. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, the future of AI education with AI Eeducation college courses looks brighter than ever before.

With the development of artificial intelligence technologies, online courses are becoming increasingly popular among students and professionals. These courses offer a unique opportunity to learn advanced AI technologies and techniques from the comfort of your home. The development of online education in the field of artificial intelligence pays increased attention to practical skills and the application of knowledge in real projects.

Pluses of online education in AI

With the development of artificial intelligence technologies, online education will play an increasingly important role in training specialists in this field. The opportunity to learn advanced technologies and methods, exchange experiences with colleagues from around the world and participate in real-life projects will make online learning in the field of AI an integral part of the education of the future!