Emotional Intelligence Courses

501 Courses


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Introduction to CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Join Udemy's comprehensive online course on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and elevate your understanding of one of the most effective forms of therapy. Delve into diverse topics including emotional intelligence, personal development, and anxiety management. This course is perfect for those looking to expand their knowledge in mental health.
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4 Languages! Learn Chinese mandarin Portuguese Japanese

Unlock the art of communication by mastering four essential languages: Chinese Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and English. This Udemy course offers a unique blend of language acquisition and cultural competence, ensuring an emotionally enriching learning experience. Whether you're eager to dive into the world of Chinese tonal languages or.
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In recent years, with the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, and Internet of Things technologies, organizations face an environment of increasing uncertainty. The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of work tasks have become the new normal, leading to emerging new jobs while some traditional ro.
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Certificación Coaching de Vida (De Principiante a Experto)

Únete al curso de Certificación Coaching de Vida en Udemy y descubre cómo evolucionar de principiante a experto en el ámbito del coaching. Aprende a transformar tus resultados utilizando conceptos destacados, metodología efectiva y principios esenciales para el desarrollo personal. Este curso está diseñado para aquellos que buscan afinar sus.
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Gestão Ágil de Projetos com Scrum, Kanban & Ágil Escalado

Gestão Ágil de Projetos com Scrum, Kanban & Ágil Escalado - Curso Udemy Aprenda a gerenciar projetos de forma ágil utilizando metodologias inovadoras como Scrum, Kanban e Ágil Escalado. Este curso oferece mais de 20 horas de conteúdo enriquecedor cobrindo desde gestão de riscos até liderança e comunicação eficaz. Enfrente os desafios de conf.
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INTELIGÊNCIA EMOCIONAL: Como lidar com pessoas difíceis

Aprenda a lidar com pessoas difíceis através de um curso prático sobre Inteligência Emocional oferecido pela Udemy. Desenvolva suas habilidades de comunicação para ganhar respeito no ambiente de trabalho, obter reconhecimento e se estabelecer como um líder eficaz. Este curso fornece táticas simples e práticas que podem transformar a maneira co.
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Complete Life Transformation and Personal Growth Plan Guide

Unlock your potential with the Complete Life Transformation and Personal Growth Plan Guide. This comprehensive resource, brought to you by PVV and available exclusively on Udemy, presents practical steps and strategies for reinventing yourself. Dive into a transformative journey that encompasses emotional intelligence, self-improvement, perso.
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