Machine Learning courses

1003 Courses

Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Data Engineer Professional Certificate en Español

Este programa le proporciona las habilidades que necesita para impulsar su carrera de ingeniería de datos y le ofrece una ruta para obtener la certificación Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer, reconocida en la industria. Gracias a una combinación de presentaciones, demostraciones y labs, podrá tomar decisiones basadas en datos mediante.
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provider Coursera  Specialization
pricing Paid Course
duration 22 weeks, 3 hours a week

Deep Learning, Neuronale Netze und TensorFlow in Python

Deep Learning, Neuronale Netze und TensorFlow in Python Werde zum Deep Learning Experten: Mathematik & Praxis für Neural Networks mit Keras. [2024 Edition] University: University Provider: Udemy Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses, Machine Learning Courses, Deep Learning Courses, Neural Networks Courses, TensorFlow Courses, Image Recogni.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 16 hours 15 minutes
sessions On-Demand


【世界で55万人が受講】データサイエンティストを目指すあなたへ〜データサイエンス25時間ブートキャンプ〜 機械学習・ディープラーニング・人工知能に関するビジネス上の課題を、回帰分析・ニューラルネットワーク・K平均法等を使って解いていきます。python、jupyter、numpy、pandas、tensorflow等のスキルも身に付きます。 カテゴリ:人工知能コース, Pythonコース, 機械学.
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Google Cloud Product Fundamentals en Français

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals en Français Ce cours, qui s'appuie sur le cours Business Transformation with Google Cloud, vous fait découvrir les technologies qui peuvent contribuer à la transformation d'une organisation. Plus précisément, nous expliquerons comment une organisation peut réussir sa transformation numérique grâce à la technol.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5-6 hours
sessions On-Demand

Google Cloud Product Fundamentals auf Deutsch

Dieser Kurs baut auf den Kurs "Business Transformation with Google Cloud" auf. Er betrachtet die Transformation von Organisationen aus einem technologischen Blickwinkel. Konkret erläutern wir anhand der folgenden Kategorien, wie eine Organisation mithilfe der Technologie von Google Cloud die digitale Transformation vollziehen kann: Moder.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 5-6 hours
sessions On-Demand

Réseaux neuronaux et Deep Learning

Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans l’IA de pointe ? Ce cours est là pour vous y aider. Les ingénieurs en Deep Learning sont très convoités et la maîtrise de ce domaine vous ouvrira de nombreuses opportunités professionnelles. Le Deep Learning est également un nouveau « superpouvoir » qui vous permettra de développer des systèmes d’IA qui n’étaient.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 20 hours
sessions On-Demand

Learn Python Programming : Step By Step Guide for Beginners

Learn Python Programming: Step By Step Guide for Beginners Learn Python Programming Language easily in Hindi. Every topic is explained in a very simple way using the Hindi language on Udemy. University: Udemy Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses, Python Courses, Machine Learning Courses, Data Science Courses
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 7 hours 55 minutes
sessions On-Demand

How Google does Machine Learning en Español

Cómo Google hace Machine Learning en Español ¿Cuáles son las prácticas recomendadas para implementar el aprendizaje automático en Google Cloud? ¿Qué es Vertex AI y cómo se puede utilizar la plataforma para crear, entrenar e implementar rápidamente modelos de aprendizaje automático de AutoML sin escribir una sola línea de código? Google consider.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 15 hours
sessions On-Demand

Machine Learning Komplettkurs mit Python [2024 Edition]

Title: Machine Learning Komplettkurs mit Python [2024 Edition] Description: Meistere maschinelles Lernen: Eigenständige Implementierung der Algorithmen von sklearn und TensorFlow keras. University: Udemy Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses, Python Courses, Machine Learning Courses, Reinforcement Learning Courses
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 13 hours 34 minutes
sessions On-Demand

More and more products are now being developed using artificial intelligence. To avoid being left on the sidelines of progress, managers must understand how the robot’s “brains” work

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies have been used for many years, but now the intensity of their use has increased significantly. For example, machine learning is being actively implemented in telecommunications, retail, marketing and e-commerce. But many still do not fully understand what it is.

Machine learning involves the system processing a large number of examples, during which it identifies patterns and uses them to predict the characteristics of new data. In other words, this is the process of giving AI ml courses “consciousness”, the ability to remember and analyze.

Machine learning use cases

The use of machine learning has touched many areas in our lives. Let's look at the most striking examples of the use of computer intelligence:

Facial recognition in the subway will help identify violators or criminals in a huge mass of people. Ordinary observers cannot cope with this task. But a fast-learning machine will do this job without any problems.

What do you need for machine learning (ML)?

For those interested in training, there are several requirements to be met in order to be successful in this field. So, there are the main points you need to know about the machine learning course. These requirements include:

  1. Basic knowledge of programming languages such as Python, R, Java, JavaScript, etc.

  2. Average knowledge of statistics and probability.

  3. Basic knowledge of linear algebra in the ml course. In a linear regression model, a line is drawn through all the data points, and that line is used to calculate new values.

  4. Understanding Calculus.

  5. Knowledge of how to clean and structure raw data into the desired format to reduce the time required for decision making.

Machine learning courses from AI Eeducation are the best choice!