Neural Network Courses

305 Courses

Réseaux neuronaux convolutifs

Réseaux neuronaux convolutifs Ce cours vous apprendra à créer des réseaux neuronaux convolutifs et à les appliquer aux données d’image. Grâce à l’apprentissage en profondeur, la vision par ordinateur fonctionne beaucoup mieux qu’il y a seulement deux ans, ce qui permet de nombreuses applications passionnantes allant de la conduite autonome en to.
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provider Coursera
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 20 hours
sessions On-Demand

Deep Learning verstehen: Entwickle Neuronale Netze in Python

Deep Learning verstehen: Entwickle Neuronale Netze in Python
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 9 hours 58 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Neuronales Netz von Scratch

Neuronales Netz von Scratch | Coursera Lernen Sie, wie Sie ein neuronales Netz von Grund auf erstellen in diesem umfassenden Kurs auf Coursera. Tauchen Sie tief in die Welt der neuronalen Netze ein und erwerben Sie die notwendigen mathematischen und programmiertechnischen Fähigkeiten. Der Kurs umfasst wichtige Themen wie Gradient Descent und mehr.
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provider Coursera
pricing Paid Course
duration 1-2 hours
sessions On-Demand

Introducción a Machine Learning

Introducción a Machine Learning En este curso abordaremos el aprendizaje automático de máquinas desde una perspectiva algebraica. Se abordarán cuatro temas principales: Primero, introduciremos los modelos de regresión y clasificación lineal, comenzando por la regresión lineal multivariada, sus aplicaciones y cómo evitar el sobre-ajus.
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provider edX
pricing Free Online Course (Audit)
duration 4 weeks, 4-6 hours a week
sessions On-Demand

Deep Learning, Neuronale Netze & AI: Der Komplettkurs

Erlernen Sie die Grundlagen und fortgeschrittenen Techniken der künstlichen Intelligenz in unserem umfassenden Kurs "Deep Learning, Neuronale Netze & AI: Der Komplettkurs". Nutzen Sie Python, Keras und Tensorflow 2, um beeindruckende Projekte wie Bildverarbeitung und Bitcoin-Kursvorhersagen zu realisieren. Werden Sie ein Expertenentwickler für.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 1 day 1 hour 21 minutes
sessions On-Demand

Formação Cientista de Dados: O Curso Completo

Formação Cientista de Dados: O Curso Completo Domine as mais Importantes Técnicas de Data Science com Python e R e Seja o Profissional Mais Cobiçado da Atualidade. Este curso abrangente cobre uma variedade de tópicos essenciais incluindo Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Redes Neurais, Ciência de Dados, Visualização de Dados, Análise de Regressão.
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Machine Learning e industria 4.0

Machine Learning e Industria 4.0 Aprende los conceptos básicos de Machine Learning y su aplicación en la Industria 4.0 en este curso introductorio ofrecido por Udemy. Explora inteligencia artificial, aprendizaje por refuerzo, redes neuronales y más. Categorías: Inteligencia Artificial Aprendizaje Aut.
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provider Udemy
pricing Paid Course
duration 3 hours
sessions On-Demand

Introducción a la IA con Python

Introducción a la IA con Python Aprende los fundamentos de la inteligencia artificial y cómo aplicarla en la resolución de problemas gracias al aprendizaje automático. Todas las industrias están revolucionando la manera en la que trabajan. En este curso online, el experto programador Rodrigo Montemayor te enseñará desde cero los fundamentos de.
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provider Domestika
pricing Paid Course
sessions On-Demand

AI Programming with Python

AI Programming with Python Learn Python, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, PyTorch, and Linear Algebra—the foundations for building your own neural network. University: Udacity Provider: Nanodegree Categories: Artificial Intelligence Courses Python Courses Neural Networks Courses Matplotlib Courses NumPy Courses pandas Courses Data Visu.
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provider Udacity  Nanodegree
pricing Paid Course
duration 13 weeks, 10 hours a week

Who is a neural network developer?

A neural network developer designs and programs hardware and software systems that operate on the principle of the human brain (neural networks).

Introduction to Neural Network Courses

A neural network developer is a programmer who creates software for mathematical models that work on the principle of the nervous system of a living organism.

A neural network is a computer programme built on the model of the structure and functioning of the human brain. Its constituent artificial neurons are tiny mathematical functions that perform computational actions - receive information, process and compare it, and pass it on. A neural network is not programmed in the usual sense of the word once and for all - it learns by loading and constantly processing huge data sets. For this purpose, special algorithms are used, which are created by the neural network developer. As a result, an artificial neural network can compare data, find patterns and on their basis make its own conclusions, classify information, predict events, recognise images, speech.

The task of a neural network developer is to create a programme capable of learning and teach it to learn. Examples of the results of neural network developers' work after neural network courseі include chatbots, voice assistants, text generators, mobile applications capable of recognising faces in photos or emotions in videos, navigation systems for unmanned cars, systems for detecting faults during maintenance, etc.

Career Paths and Learning Paths

Since, by and large, the creation of neural networks is one of the narrow specialisations of a Data Science specialist, the core knowledge of a neural network developer is Big Data science (data modelling, quality assessment of algorithms and prediction models). Also included in the knowledge pool are:

A lot of lectures on neural networks can be found on YouTube. Often after the video, machine learning enthusiasts do a detailed breakdown of the material. There are tutorial applications on the Internet (like artificial neural network course) with ready-made architectures that clearly demonstrate what is happening inside a neural network and give instructions on how to build it into a specific project.

Course Benefits and Features

Let's take a look at the main pluses of the neural networks and deep learning courseі:

These are just some of our advantages.

Enrollment Process

You can email us and sign up for our online lessons now. You can take a deep neural network course on one of the educational platforms. These courses are designed for people with no particular background, so they are suitable for most people. Online training is usually focused on practice - this allows you to quickly build up your portfolio and get a job immediately after training!